Great news!

We’ve partnered with HubSpot to help your startup grow and scale better, and faster. The HubSpot Partner Program offers eligible startups:

Up to 90% Discount on HubSpot Software

Use one service or the entire suite of HubSpot Growth Platform with a free-forever CRM at a startup-friendly price. Sign up for the free version to get your systems and processes in place.

Once your startup is ready, activate the discount and use the full power of HubSpot to propel your startup to the next level. –

->Education Resources and Tailored Training

Masterclasses, templates, kits, and guides to help you save time and avoid costly mistakes growing your startup. Plus, access to world-class support from HubSpot experts.

–> Integrated Platform for Startups

Get access to over 500+ software integrations, many at startup-friendly pricing, as well as the opportunity to build an integration on the HubSpot platform.

Are you eligible?

If your startup is a current participant or member of the Mountain Hub community and meets the following funding criteria:

1. A startup with under $2 million in funding:

Get up to 90% off HubSpot software in your first year, 50% off in your second, and 25% off ongoing.

2. A startup who has raised over $2 million in named funding up to and including Series A:

Get up to 50% off in your first year, and 25% off ongoing.

**HubSpot for Startups pricing is applicable to net-new Professional or Enterprise level products. Starter level products are excluded, unless bundled with qualifying Professional or Enterprise purchases or upgrades. Customers may not apply the startup program pricing to existing subscriptions of any level.*** Redeeming these benefits

(1) To be instantly accepted, apply using our organization’s unique referral link:


(2) Or submit an application for review at

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